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Arm pain can start suddenly, or can happen gradually, over an extended period of time. It can have many causes, and may not have anything to do with an arm problem. Sometimes, arm pain originates from a neck or upper spine problem. Pain that radiates into the left arm is sometimes a sign of a heart attack. Arm pain can also be caused by a variety of conditions including bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, herniated disc, or rheumatoid arthritis, among others. Treatment for arm pain is dependent on the underlying cause of the pain. It’s important to be properly diagnosed, so that you can receive the right kind of pain management.
A physical medicine clinic with a leading multidisciplinary team of health professionals, Silver Spring Medical Center has served the Silver Spring and greater Washington DC communities for over 14 years. The clinic offers a comprehensive approach to physical medicine, and the capable staff is dedicated to getting you out of pain and back to your normal daily activities as quickly as possible. Treatments plans utilize physical therapy, rehabilitation, manual medicine techniques including osteopathic, physical therapy techniques, massage therapy and traditional medicine.