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With age come a lot of physical changes and changes in your medical needs, and although some sleep changes are just as normal they can also signal underlying issues that can potentially be corrected. Below will be covered some of the most common reasons for sleep changes in older adults as well as the signs of these, you can learn more by reaching out to your Bradenton and Sarasota, FL, sleep expert Dr. Jeremy McConnell.
Lack of sleep can significantly impact nearly every aspect of your health as well as your waking day.
For older adults, changes in their circadian rhythms can make earlier bedtimes and earlier mornings a normal part of their day. The problems begin when even this pattern is interrupted.
The most obvious sign of sleep deprivation is simply sleeping even fewer hours than what you're used to. But not all signs are as easy to notice, sometimes changes in mood and motivation can be traced back to not sleeping enough.
Many factors can affect sleep as you get older, such as pain, medications, and other physical changes.
Chronic pain is often a condition associated with age due to a variety of health issues, and pain can affect your ability to sleep yet also lack of sleep can in turn sometimes lead to increased pain. Medication used to treat some of these health issues can sometimes negatively affect your sleep.
But beyond these natural changes, the effects of health conditions and medications, sleep disorders can also play a role in obstructing your ability to get a restful night of sleep.
If you are concerned about your sleep changes, if these are affecting your everyday activities and health, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. McConnell in Bradenton and Sarasota, FL, by dialing (941) 792-8383 to reach the Bradenton, FL, office and (941) 827-0701 for Sarasota, FL.