History of Acupuncture
It is a complete system of healing which has proven its effectiveness in Chinese medicine for over 5000 years. While it has only recently reached Europe and North America in the late 19 century, it has already gained considerable recognition in the western world. In the United States, Chinese Medicine is recognized not only for curing existing conditions, but for preventing the onset of disease and life-threatening illnesses. Chinese Medicine has been inherited and preserved very well in TAIWAN and wild spread around the world, and back to China after cultural revolution. Chinese Acupuncture was once lost for almost 2 decades in China. Fortunately, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea has maxed out the benefits for the new century health care in the world. You may heard TCM which standard for traditional Acupuncture Medicine. Later on it has been developed into many styles such as 5 elements acupuncture ( chinese & Taiwan) , spiritual acupuncture ( Japan), Master tung Acupuncture ( Taiwan), San-an 4 needles( Korean), Dry needle ( American copy from TCM), Mao Acupuncture ( simplify needle was modify by leader Mao).
What is Acupuncture Therapy?
This treatment relieves pain; prevent disease, and promote good health. Patients are treated with the insertion of disposable ultra-fine needles into specific points of the body affiliated with internal organs and tissues. Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system and produces changes in the blood chemistry that facilitates the body’s ability to heal itself. The fine needle is inserted with minimal or no pain and has no possibility of infection. Best needle sensation is mild electrical, numbness, swollen, and distention of the needle energy travel to your body or brain. If your body has better constitution, you may experience more sensation than the regular folks.
What is Electro-Acupuncture?
This is another type of acupuncture therapy, which stimulates the acupuncture-points and meridian channels of the body. The acupuncture needles are attached to an electric device that generates continuous electric pulses. The mild electrical current that passes through may have a light tapping sensation on the skin.