Proudly Part of Privia Health
By combining the best of western and eastern medicine, we are here to help our patients have a better quality of life.
Electro-acupuncture is form of acupuncture that uses the application of electrodes attached to two or more needles. This said, it is not an electrical shock or current sent through the body, but only a small stimulation (around 40-80 volts) at sites of complaint that create a comforting sensation of vibration.
This is more effective in diseases that require more severe or strong stimulation because the strength of the stimulation is stronger than that of normal acupuncture. It helps strengthen the efficacy of needles by continuously stimulating the blood vessels by utilizing various types of exercise, nervous system, and internal medicine. It is also commonly used for chronic pain, which can help clinical effects.
Weak individuals should be careful because it is stronger than normal acupuncture, as well as patients wearing pacemakers. In addition, pregnant women, and patients with a history of seizures, heart disease, stroke, epilepsy, malignant tumors, and bleeding disorders should be careful.
The ear is a miniature version of the human body. By placing needles into the ear’s blood vessels, we are able to cure and prevent various diseases. In 1990, the World Health Organization (WHO) held an international academic conference in Lyon, France, and the world standard for 91 needle response points was created. This acupuncture treatment finds connections between the form of a fetus when upside down in the mother’s stomach to the form of an ear. This treatment has been rapidly developed into clinical medicine by combining oriental medicine’s intestinal theory, percutaneous theory, and western medicine’s anatomy.
This practice is generally known to be effective in dieting and beauty, and helps patients quit smoking and alcohol abuse. Furthermore, it not only helps ease pain, but also improves appetite, sleep, physical strength, and metabolism, which can help increase patient resistance.
There are no dangerous nerves or blood vessels in the ear, and as a remote treatment, it is generally safe and effective. If the circulation of qi is blocked, it will work well and recover quickly. It is especially effective for chronic diseases.
This acupuncture treatment is safe and has no side effects, but be careful if you have serious heart diseases, severe substrate lesions, or anemia. Also, pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy should avoid this procedure. After 5 months, treatment with only mild stimulation is advised.
Ear-Acupuncture, Ear-Electro-Acupuncture, Seeds/Semen, Magnet on the ear & Bloodletting on the tip of the ear. Acupuncture is a holistic method of treatment, and a beautiful one too. Cosmetic acupuncture is a growing treatment practice throughout the world with various benefits. It utilizes no chemicals, and has very minor to no side effects.
Facial Acupuncture benefits include:
How we do Cosmetic Acupuncture
*Warning Because cosmetic acupuncture is localized around the face, and the face is a heavenly home of countless thin blood vessels, it is advised that bruising on the face may occur. Please speak with our practitioner for further details.