Key Dates
Approximate Weekly Schedule
0 Weeks
First day of last menstrual period
2 Weeks
6-8 Weeks
First Sonogram
First Obstetrical appointment
10+ Weeks – Optional
Genetic blood draw to determine gender, risk of Down Syndrome, Trisomy and other genetic problems
Heartbeat by Doppler becomes possible
12 Weeks
Sonogram – Nuchal Translucency
Obstetrical appointment
- Physical exam
- Pap
- Cultures
16 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
Register for childbirth classes – usually to be taken at 28 to 32 weeks
20 Weeks
Sonogram (gender can usually be determined during this sonogram, if desired)
Obstetrical appointment
Dr. Fogwell’s OB Deposit is due
Submit completed hospital pre-admission form to hospital. Pre-admission form is found on-line at
24 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
Discuss Glucose Testing for next appointment
Discuss Cord Blood information
28 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
Gestational diabetes screen
Rhogam and antibody screen if Rh negative
30 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
32 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
34 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
36 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
Optional Cervical exam
37 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
38 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
Cervical exam
39 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
Cervical exam
40 Weeks
Obstetrical appointment
Cervical exam
Estimated due date (normal labor and delivery can occur anytime from 37 to 41 weeks)
Additional sonograms will be ordered if they are medically necessary. You can request a sonogram anytime, please be aware that your insurance company may not reimburse you for additional sonograms.
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